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Quantum 3 - The Power of 5

Okay, time to give closure to blogs 1 and 2...

Herein, do know that each of us is a sum total of 5 Sheaths. The Panchakosha. Here goes..

  1. The Annamaya Kosha, the Food Sheath.

  2. The Pranamaya Kosha, the Vital Sheath.

  3. The Manonamaya Kosha,the Mind Sheath.

  4. The Vignyaanamaya Kosha,the Intellect Sheath.

  5. The Anandamaya Kosha, the Bliss Sheath.

Yeah, just when you had thought you had got around to understanding yourself, I dish this out! Aur poocho how can you be full of positive energy at all times! Well, once you know the Panchakosha, you will figure it out. But yes, only when these 5 layers are in balance within themselves, and with each other, are we truly healthy, happy and happiest.

Know the Panchakosha Okay, let me make this as simple as I must.

1. Annamaya Kosha: It is through this layer that we perceive everything of the outside world, via the sense organs and organs of action.

2. Pranamaya Kosha: It is vital to our existence, as it is made of the Pancha-Pranas, that give us life. All the physiological functions of the body are executed by this sheath. Yup, if Prana is the electricity within that runs our gadget, then this sheath is its’ voltage. Lights me up, this one!

3. Manonamaya Kosha: This sheath comprises our mind and emotions. As simple, and as difficult as that. Mind-blowing, eh!

4. Vignyanamaya Kosha: Intellect is a faculty that springs from here. So, if the mind be a chariot, the Intellect is the horse that runs the mind. Heavy stuff, haan!

5. Anandamaya Kosha: Also called the Causal Body, the cause of all we go through. As is this layer, so are the other 4 layers. This is the Karmic Body, made of the seeds of our karmas. Each seed is an individual karmic file, the script being the life events that each of us will experience-good or bad. Strikes a cord? Haanji, thus, as we sow, so shall we reap. Allow me to add some spirit to this...this layer is the grapes that decide how the wine will taste!

Sheaths 1 and 2 make up our Physical Body.

Sheaths 3 and 4 make up our Subtle Body.

Sheath 5 is our Karmic Body.

What next, now?

For the Physical Body:- ‘Move your body, baby!’ the way to keep it fit. Eat right. Eat in moderation. Exercise. Breathe right. Practice simple breathing exercises. Above all, Meditate!

For the Subtle Body:- ‘The good stuff’....Do it/Be it/ Watch it/Read it/Listen to it/Surround yourself by it. Above all, Meditate.

For the Karmic Body:- You have no choice, but to meditate, if you choose to come clean in your karmic files!

Phew! When all of the above-mentioned is accomplished, you won’t ask me how you can be full of positive energy, at all times. Your cup shall runneth over!

This discipline shall sculpt a Spiritual Warrior out of you, the Light Divine being your Shield and Robe. All else, as they say, can come and go!

Be blessed. May the Light be your Guide.

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